In medical school, we learned the CAGE questions to judge if someone had an addiction problem.
CAGE is an acronym to prompt you to ask these questions
Have you ever felt..
the need to Cut down?
Annoyed when people ask you about your...?
Guilty about the behavior or something you did under its influece?
the need for an Eyeopener?
If you answer yes to more than 2 questions, the teaching is, the patient has a problem.
After an irrational response to the caferteria lady, I asked myself the questions related to my addiction problem behavior...
C- cut down, yep.
A-annoyed, clearly- I'm writing this post aren't I
G- guilty, yep I often try to hid the evidence
E- eyeopener..hmmm- Well, if defined by once you start, you can't stop. Yes, undeniably!
Henceforth, why I set rules to control my indulgence (Sounds like that should be the 5th one- do you set rules?)
What is the offending substance- Garden Salsa flavored SunChips - you got it!
I only indulge at work, and I only indulge when I get them for free from the neighbor hospital. I can't let such things in my house, because I have no will power. Still when the check out lady comments on it a few days a week when I give in, I have to fight the urge to scream. Hello, I have like 21% body fat, let me have my chips without comments from the peanut gallery. That isn't rational, right?
So for I just smile and chuckle. Then spew here. Thanks
"Houses" Quilt
7 months ago